Add Users to Alert Rules
Once you create an alert rule in the Code42 console, you can use the CLI alert-rules
commands to add and remove users from your existing alert rules.
To see a list of all the users currently in your organization:
Export a list from the Users action menu.
Use the CLI users commands.
View Existing Alert Rules
You’ll need the ID of an alert rule to add or remove a user.
To view a list of all alert rules currently created for your organization, including the rule ID, use the following command:
code42 alert-rules list
Once you’ve identified the rule ID, view the details of the alert rule as follows:
code42 alert-rules show <rule-ID>
Example output
Example output for a single alert rule in default JSON format.
"rules": [
"tenantId": "c4e43418-07d9-4a9f-a138-29f39a124d33",
"name": "My Rule",
"description": "this is your rule!",
"severity": "HIGH",
"isEnabled": false,
"fileBelongsTo": {
"type$": "FILE_BELONGS_TO",
"usersToAlertOn": "ALL_USERS"
"notificationConfig": {
"enabled": false
"fileCategoryWatch": {
"watchAllFiles": true
"ruleSource": "Alerting",
"fileSizeAndCount": {
"fileCountGreaterThan": 2,
"totalSizeGreaterThanInBytes": 200,
"operator": "AND"
"fileActivityIs": {
"type$": "FILE_ACTIVITY",
"syncedToCloudService": {
"watchBox": false,
"watchBoxDrive": false,
"watchDropBox": false,
"watchGoogleBackupAndSync": false,
"watchAppleIcLoud": false,
"watchMicrosoftOneDrive": false
"uploadedOnRemovableMedia": true,
"readByBrowserOrOther": true
"timeWindow": 15,
"id": "404ff012-fa2f-4acf-ae6d-107eabf7f24c",
"createdAt": "2021-04-27T01:55:36.4204590Z",
"createdBy": "",
"modifiedAt": "2021-09-03T01:46:13.2902310Z",
"modifiedBy": "",
"isSystem": false
Add a User to an Alert Rule
You can manage the users who are associated with an alert rule once you know the rule’s rule_id
and the user’s username
To add a single user to your alert rule, use the following command:
code42 alert-rules add-user --rule-id <rule-id> -u
Alternatively, to add multiple users to your alert rule, fill out the add
CSV file template, then use the bulk add
command with the CSV file path.
code42 alert-rules bulk add users.csv
You can remove single or multiple users from alert rules similarly using the remove-user
and bulk remove
Get CSV Template
The following command will generate a CSV template to either add or remove users from multiple alert rules at once. The CSV file will be saved to the current working directory.
code42 alert-rules bulk generate-template [add|remove]
You can then fill out and use each of the CSV templates with their respective bulk commands.
code42 alert-rules bulk [add|remove] /Users/my_user/bulk-command.csv
Learn more about the Alert Rules commands.