Configure profile

Use the code42 profile set of commands to establish the Code42 environment you’re working within and your user information.

First, create your profile:

code42 profile create --name MY_FIRST_PROFILE --server --username

Your profile contains the necessary properties for authenticating with Code42. After running code42 profile create, the program prompts you about storing a password. If you agree, you are then prompted to enter your password.

Your password is not shown when you do code42 profile show. However, code42 profile show will confirm that a password exists for your profile. If you do not set a password, you will be securely prompted to enter a password each time you run a command.

You can add multiple profiles with different names and the change the default profile with the use command:

code42 profile use MY_SECOND_PROFILE

When you use the --profile flag with other commands, such as those in security-data, that profile is used instead of the default profile. For example,

code42 security-data search -b 2020-02-02 --profile MY_SECOND_PROFILE

To see all your profiles, do:

code42 profile list

Profiles with Multi-Factor Authentication

If your Code42 user account requires multi-factor authentication, the token is not required to create your profile but will be required for any subsequent CLI commands. The MFA token can either be passed in with the --totp option, or if not passed you will be prompted to enter it before the command executes.